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lack Raisin Cookie toppings

Black Raisin Cookie Toppings In Cookie Run Kingdom

  • Best Black Raisin Cookie Toppings- Searing Raspberry Toppings (Recommended)
  • Black Raisin Cookie Toppings- Swift Chocolate Toppings (Alternative)

The best toppings for Black Raisin Cookie are a complete set of searing raspberry toppings. It was because the Black Raisin Cookie is an ambush-type cookie. The searing raspberry toppings can amplify her skill damage more, inflicting greater damage to her enemies.

best black raisin cookie toppings searing raspberry
Best black raisin cookie toppings searing raspberry

Black Raisin Cookie is an ambush-type cookie. Its skill almost looks the same as Chili Pepper Cookie it vanishes and strikes the enemy on the battlefield. As an ambush type, its main goal is to eliminate the damaged dealer cookies in the opposing team.

For Black Raisin Cookie to eliminate its target easily, the best Black Raisin Cookie toppings to use is a complete set of Searing Raspberry. These Toppings build can greatly increase her attack, to deal as much damage as possible to the enemies.

black raisin cookie toppings swift chocolate
Black raisin cookie toppings Swift chocolate

Another set of Black Raisin Cookie Toppings that you should consider is a complete set of Swift Chocolate Toppings. It was because of a reason that using her skill was the only way Black Raisin Cookie could inflict damage on enemies.

If you don’t like the full-damaged build of searing raspberry toppings, you can also use a complete set of Swift Chocolate toppings. By using this topping build, you can improve her skill cooldown, so Black Raisin Cookie can use her skill frequently.

Her skill has two benefits for her– first to inflict damage on enemies and the second one is to dodge enemies’ attacks since Black Raisin Cookie becomes invulnerable when using her skill. So improving her skill cooldown with these toppings really makes sense.

Also Read:

black raisin cookie skill
Black Raisin Cookie skill

Skill Name: Shadow Watcher

Skill Description: Using her skill, Black Raisin Cookie disappears in the shadows and becomes invulnerable to enemies’ attacks. While she is invisible she constantly attacks enemies with multiple hits causing area damage.

Skill Effects:

  • Single hit DMG: 79.7% (+0.93-0.94% DMG per level)

Black Raisin Cookie Story

black raisin cookie story
Black Raisin Cookie story

Harsh wind, crooked trees, streets ravaged by the war… Who is it there, hiding among the shadows? Black Raisin Cookie, the sole protector of the unfortunate remnants of a once-great Kingdom. Made of shriveled, wrinkly raisins, this Cookie has learned the value of survival no matter what.

Even having lost one arm to the dangers of this rough barren, this Cookie keeps hunting for scarce food to feed those who put their trust in her. Despite all the hardships, Black Raisin Cookie doesn’t lose the warmth of a Cookie heart: everyone deserves help, even a sorry one-legged crow. A new day is breaking, and another challenge is here. But Black Raisin Cookie will be there for the villagers, watching over them from the dark.

Cookie Run: Kingdom
  • World Exploration Dark Mode Stages 5-15 and stages 11-12
  • Gacha- Using 3000 crystals for ten times draw or 300 crystals for a single draw.
  • Mileage Shop- Spend 2000 Mileage points in exchange for 20 Financier Cookie Soul stone
  • Arena Medal Shop (by chance after refresh)
  • Guild Medal Shop (by chance after refresh)
  • Rainbow Shell Gallery (by chance after refresh)
  • Seaside Market (by chance after refresh)

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Is Black Raisin Cookie Good In The Game?

Yes, for an epic cookie, Black Raisin Cookie is good. She can deal massive damage to its targets and become invulnerable for a period of time. Black Raisin Cookie is a good ambush-type cookie that is worth including in your team in the beginning.

What Is Black Raisin Cookie Gender?

Black Raisin Cookie has a black outfit, a badass-looking cookie in the game. But despite its looks and appearance, Black Raisin Cookie is actually a girl.

Is Black Raisin Cookie a villain?

No, She might look like a villain be she is not. Black Raisin Cookie is a cookie that helps Pure Vanilla Cookie when he loses his memory.

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