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Financier Cookie Toppings

Financier Cookie Toppings Build In Cookie Run Kingdom

  • Best Financier Cookie Toppings- Solid Almond Toppings (Recommended)
  • Financier Cookie Toppings- Swift Chocolate Toppings (Alternative)

The Financier cookie is one of the most used defense-type cookies in the game. She is a meta cookie that you will encounter more often in the arena.

The best Financier cookie toppings are solid almond toppings built to increase her damage resistance. A full set of swift chocolate toppings is also a good option to decrease her skill cooldown to use her skill more often.

best financier cookie toppings solid almond
Best financier cookie toppings solid almond

Financier Cookie’s ability is to protect her ally with the highest attack. She will protect the allied cookie with the highest attack, and increase its attack, crit, and damage resistance. She will also heal, and provide a shield for the cookie that she protects.

The protection will only end when Financier Cookie is defeated or the cookie with the highest attack is eliminated. Using a full set of Solid almond toppings will increase Financier’s damage resistance.

When combined with her healing and shield ability, Financier Cookie will be tougher and can withstand more damage from enemies.

financier cookie toppings skill cooldown
Financier cookie toppings skill cooldown

Another Financier Cookie toppings build that you can use is a full set of Swift chocolate toppings. For the reasons that Financier Cookie will protect your cookies with the highest attack or in other words, Financier Cookie will protect your main damage dealer. The survival of your cookie damage dealer will depend on Financier Cookie.

Having a full set of swift chocolate toppings to decrease her skill cooldown is a wise choice. Enabling Financier Cookie to use her skill more often to protect your cookie with the highest attack even more.

financier cookie skill
Financier cookie skill

Skill Name: Paladin Protection

Skill Description: Upon using the skill, Financier Cookie will choose an allied cookie with the highest attack to protect. Her main priority is Clotted Cream Cookie, but if Clotted Cream Cookie is not present on her team, she will protect the cookie with the highest attack. The paladin protection will provide a shield to the protected cookie and heal to recover its HP.

It will also grant a protection buff that will increase the attack, crit, and damage resistance of the target cookie. The shield that Financier Cookie used is called “Light Shield” The power of the light will also inflict damage to enemies that will dare to attack the shield in its last phase.

Skill Effects:

  • Single hit DMG: 221.7% (+2.88% DMG per level)
  • Paladin’s Protection Effects: Healing: 43.5% of ATK (+0.6% of ATK per level), 65.3% of ATK if the target is Clotted Cream Cookie (+0.89% of ATK per level)
  • DMG Resist: +20.0% for 15.0-sec CRIT Resist: +20.0% for 15.0 sec 
  • ATK Boost: +14.7% for 15.0 sec Light’s Shield: 12.7% of the Cookie’s Max HP for 5.0 sec
  • Light’s Judgement: fixed DMG of 50.0% DMG received by Light’s Shield

Financier Cookie Story

financier cookie story
Financier cookie story
Cookie Run: Kingdom
  • Gacha- Using 3000 crystals for ten times draw or 300 crystals for a single draw.
  • Mileage Shop- Spend 2000 Mileage points in exchange for 20 Financier Cookie Soul stone
  • Arena Medal Shop (by chance after refresh)
  • Rainbow Shell Gallery (by chance after refresh)
  • Seaside Market (by chance after refresh)
  • Guild Medal Shop (by chance after refresh)

Related Content: Also read our article about Carol Cookie Toppings Build 

Is Financier Cookie any good?

Financier Cookie is a good cookie you should invest in. This cookie is one of the meta and probably the second-best defense cookie in the game, next only to Hollyberry. Financier has a lot of abilities that can protect her allies like a shield, heal, and buff to increase their survivability.

What toppings do I put on Financier Cookie?

Any toppings that can increase her defense, damage resistance, or HP is the best to use for Financier Cookie. A full set of Swift chocolate toppings is also a good choice to decrease her skill cooldown.

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