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Cloudways Affiliate Review: Is It A Scam or Legit?

Are you aware of the Cloudways affiliate program? Well if not you should since you are missing money on the table.

I’ve used Cloudways on two of my site in the past, one is the website Mirageportal and the other one is for testing purposes. As I’m hosting my site on Cloudways I have noticed that they have an affiliate program so I join and try it out.

In this article let me give you an idea about Cloudways affiliates, how it works, how to promote it, and how much is your potential earning promoting Cloudways.

Why I Tried Cloudways

I have tried Cloudways since I’m very curious about it since there are a lot of people that always mention how good Cloudways is. After using Cloudways on two of my site I was really impressed with how good Cloudways is and decided to promote its service.

You can read my full Cloudways review in a separate article or try Cloudways for yourself.

Why You Should Promote Cloudways

One of the main reasons to promote Cloudways affiliates was the earning. Out of all of my affiliates, Cloudways offers the highest earning potential.

If you are satisfied with their service and If your niche is on web hosting, web development, or anything that is related to WordPress or blogging you should join the Cloudways Affiliate Program.

For this reason, the niche that I mention has the highest potential to attract users and earn lots of commission.

Reasons Not To Promote Cloudways

Are there some reasons not to promote Cloudways? Yes, there is, but if you still want to promote Cloudways you can try.

Honestly promoting Cloudways is harder for a site niche that isn’t exactly related to hosting, blogging, or web development.

In addition to that, I also advise that you should not promote Cloudways if you are not satisfied with their service because your reader might lose their trust in your blog. You can try to build a website on Cloudways to see for yourself if their Cloud hosting was really good.

You can use my promo code MIRAGE10 to get 10% OFF for your first three months on Cloudways, I will earn a commission but will give a discount for three months. You can also use the button below to get a FREE ASTRA PRO BUNDLE it’s 100% free that you can use it for a new website or even for your main website if you transfer it to Cloudways.

How does the Cloudways affiliate program work?

What makes Cloudways Affiliate different from other affiliate programs that I’ve tried was their flexible commission.

Performance Based Slabs

As you join a Cloudways affiliate you have two options, first was the Slab. It was a performance-based commission offered by Cloudways. The performance base slab is for those that can bring new customer consistency.

The more customer you bring the higher the commission you get per sale, still confused. Well, it looks like this– Slab commissions are categorized into four slabs, there is SLAB 1, SLAB 2, SLAB 3, and SLAB 4.

When you refer one to five customers to Cloudways for each sale you can earn up to $50, when you refer 6 to 20 customers you are qualified to SLAB 2 meaning your commission will increase to $75 per sale.

Then when you refer 25-45 customers, your commission will increase again to $100 since you enter SLAB 3 until you reach SLAB 4 by referring 40-80 customers and you can earn $125 per sale.

In another affiliate, you can only earn a percentage of the subscription, but in the performance slab by Cloudways, you will earn based on your performance. Even if the customer chooses the cheapest hosting plan you will still receive $50 if you are in SLAB 1 and even higher if you reach higher tier SLAB.


If you don’t like the idea of the performance-based slabs you have another option which is their Hybrid commission. The Hybrid works by having a $30 commission for each sale plus getting a 7% lifetime commission for each successful sale from a customer.

This one is one of the best recurring commissions for hosting affiliates since you will earn per sale plus a lifetime commission.

The lifetime commission works as long as your referred customer remains with Cloudways, you will earn 7% of their plan.

For example, if you successfully get customers on your affiliate and choose the cheapest plan which is $11/month you will earn $30 plus 7% which is $0.77. Every time your referred customer renews their plan you will earn 7%.

Imagine if you can refer lots of customers and they choose the more expensive plan, you will surely have a good passive income just Cloudways Affiliates alone.

How much do Cloudways affiliates get paid?

cloudways affiliate commision proof

The amount of payment depends on your performance. I joined the Cloudways Affiliate program to test if it was legit or not and I managed to get four customers and have a potential earning of $200.

Then think about this, if this website of mine Mirageportal a multi niches website with topics like gaming, tech, and hosting is able to get four customers in Cloudways with minimal effort, What’s more if your website is directly related to the web hosting, web design, or blogging and a single niche blog? I bet you can earn way higher than my site using the Cloudways affiliate program.

Let’s just say you targeting a keyword like “best hosting for WordPress” It has a monthly search of 2.3K, and you manage to rank on top of Google with that keyword and your content is highly engaging and has a high conversion rate.

Then you’re able to get at least 100 customers a month and multiply it to $125 per sale since 100 customers are already in SLAB 4 when you choose SLAB commission, of course, then you can get paid at least $12,500 for a hundred successful referred customers.

For the Hybrid you can check the Cloudways earning calculator for a rough estimate of how much you can earn by using the hybrid commission.

What To Choose Between Two Affiliates of Cloudways

Choosing between the two affiliates of Cloudways is just simple, you can just base it on your site. If your website has a good ranking performance on a very related topic to Cloudway, and you can refer lots of customers you can either try the Performance Based Slab since you can earn a lot from it.

But if your site can refer a decent monthly volume of customers and you want a recurring commission you can choose Hybrid commission.

You can earn less per sale but at least you can have passive monthly income, Even if your new referred customer decreases in the following months you can still earn from the previous customer that you successfully invited to use Cloudways.

Cloudways Affiliate Sign Up: How To Sign Up

Step 1

To join Cloudways you will need to sign up for their Affiliate program, Just go to Cloudways or use the button below and you will be redirected to Cloudways From there just scroll down to the bottom of the page and find an affiliate program.

Step 2

Then after that, you will need to register an account with Cloudways to have access to their affiliate program, The registration was easy— you will just need to enter the required information.

Step 3

After having an account, just look for the affiliate section on the top of your dashboard next to the project, then after that head over to the affiliate program near your fund’s section. Fill up the necessary information, submit, and wait for your account to be accepted to access your affiliate panel.

How To Promote Cloudways Affiliate Program

Some people are actually new to affiliates, and if you are new and doesn’t know how to promote, here are some idea.

Write an Article

One of the best ways to promote is through blogging, if you have a website that is directly related to web hosting or blogging, there is a very high chance to get customers. You can write tutorials on how to blog and suggest Cloudways for hosting for the best performance of their blog.

This method was not easy though, since you need to compete with some big publications with high authority domain — but if done right with proper keyword research you might find some low competitive keywords that you can dominate for ranking.

Youtube Channel

If you have a YouTube channel about Tech or any related to blogging or hosting, you can create a tutorial. You can target how-to topics that are related to hosting or blogging, and try to give an answer to their problem by using your video.

You can join some forums and you will find some people who are seeking help for problems or errors If you know how to fix their problem you can create a video tutorial and suggest Cloudways for hosting.

Social Media

If you have lots of followers on social media and again if your expertise is in line with blogging and hosting you can recommend Cloudways as your trusted hosting company. Just make sure that you truly trust Cloudways before promoting it which is why I recommend trying their product and service first and if it is not good don’t promote it because you might lose the trust of your audience.


In my own experience, Cloudways is a really good Cloud hosting I’m very satisfied with their services as I mentioned I already used Cloudways on two of my websites and I am not disappointed with the quality of their service and product.

Fast response on their customer support, excellent uptime, fast server, and many more. This gives me the decision to promote their product.

I’m not promoting Cloudways because of their high commission but instead because of the quality of their product and service. Based on my own experience as a Cloudways customer, I’m confident that my referred customer will also be satisfied like me.

For the question of whether Cloudways Affiliate Program is a scam or not, the answer is NO. They are real affiliate programs that you will surely earn if done right. Just make sure that you do the promotion correctly and earnings will surely follow.

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